Treebeard Funding
We are absolutely delighted (an understatement) that Treebeard Trust will be funding a part-time administrator for the next year, and have also offered informal and ongoing advice to help us with our campaign. The Trust also fund organisations such as Rights of Women and the Centre for Women’s Justice so we are in very good company indeed.
Having their generous support will significantly expand our scope and increase our efficacy. In particular we have been asked to demonstrate progress against four areas of work:
- Increased awareness of the issue and injustices among those at risk and those who are in a position to make a difference
- HCCH and individual states acknowledge and take steps to ameliorate the problem
- mothers fleeing abuse and facing Hague petitions (and the organisations supporting them) have access to up-to-date resources and support
- growth in the evidence base related to this issue, both through survivor’s testimony and academic expertise.
Given the expertise and commitment available to us through our members and partners, we can certainly do that. Thank you Treebeard for your faith in us.